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Library Services and Policies

Course Reserves

Course Reserves

Course Reserves

To place an item on course reserve, please fill out and submit the above form.

Faculty can put materials on reserve so that they are available to everyone in the class. Items may include books, DVD's, or photocopies. These materials are checked out with a student ID at the Circulation/Reserve Desk. Check out is for a two hour period and materials are restricted to use only in the Library.

Online Course Reserves 

These items are electronic documents that may be accessed via the internet for reading, downloading or printing.


Guidelines for Online Reserves

Original materials

At this time the library’s online reserve service is not password protected so we are able to post only those course materials which were created by the instructor.  These may include items such as course notes, quizzes, and review packets.


Although we are not able to include articles through the online course reserves service, your students may be able to access full text online versions of articles through the library’s subscription databases.  Call the information desk at x2330 for instructions on how to locate specific articles available through our database subscriptions.


At this time we are not able to provide access to textbooks through online course reserves, but we would be happy to provide access to any supplemental course materials (including textbooks, models, and DVDs) you wish to leave at the reserve desk through our regular two-hour reserve service.  Call x2301 for any questions regarding the library’s two-hour reserve service.